Entries by admin

How to convert your video?

Please kindly use this software on PC, not Mac, the system would be Window would be great.     1- Open the file, click this folder”AMV converter” 2- Then install the “amvconverter .exe” 3-Enter into this page, click “input document” 4- Then click buttons, it will start to convert video files 5- then the “file […]

Why Your Company Should Use Video Mailers

As independent marketing strategies, video and direct mail each have their merits. However, the video has recently moved to the forefront of marketing strategies. To highlight the popularity and effectiveness of videos, check out the following statistics from Insivia: In 2017, online video content is accounting for approximately 74% of all internet traffic. 55% of people […]

Why Video Brochure Generate Great Profit

Video brochures offer the best of traditional print advertising combined with new age video presentation to deliver twice the appeal of other marketing pieces. For recipients, they are like holding a TV commercial in their hands. Furthermore, according to feedback we’ve been given, the excitement they generate for marketers who make them and recipients who receive them is almost unmatchable. […]