Video Brochure SHINY At Hong Kong Exhibition

Welcome to visit us at HongKong Mega show Booth No.1B-G36
The role and purpose of attending the exhibition
It is a most effective way for enterprises to expand into new markets by participating in exhibitions. It is also the most effective way so far. The exhibition can not only help enterprises expand the market, promote products, promote sales, but also low-cost contact with cooperative customers, conduct competitive analysis and make reasonable. The best platform for planning. According to the survey, the average cost of using the show to reach customers is only 40% of the cost of using other methods to reach customers.
1. You can understand peer information, grasp the trend of development of peers and the law of development, and determine the correct development strategy of the company. In addition, some industry exhibitions also hold a large number of industry forums, seminars, etc., through which you can learn more about industry information.
2. Can examine local market needs and potential. After bringing all the world’s peers together through the exhibition, you can clearly feel the development space and market space of the company and understand the market potential of your products.
3. You can find suitable partners through extensive contact with local agent during the exhibition. Participation in the exhibition is nothing more than two types of people, one is to promote products, the other is to find products, through the fair, open platform of the exhibition, it is very easy to achieve the docking of the two sides.
4. Establish and maintain the company’s image. Especially in regions or countries where customers and distributors are relatively concentrated, exhibitions can effectively enhance the company’s image and enhance product visibility and market competitiveness. It is also a kind of support and assistance to local distributors.
5, through the exhibition can achieve the purpose of visiting customers. A company may have a large number of customers in a certain region or country, and it is certainly more dispersed. Individual visits are not only costly but also inefficient. Through the exhibition, all dealers or customers can be gathered together to negotiate one by one, which improves the efficiency of visits and negotiations.
6. Through the exhibition, an effective transition from trade cooperation to capital cooperation can be realized. Through face-to-face communication and communication with customers or distributors, or other companies, we can stimulate the development of the company, understand the product market in detail, and possibly realize the capital of a certain product or technology.